

Thursday, April 6th at 5:30 p.m.

The food will be great, the conversation will be enlightening and stimulating, the singing will be joyous and nostalgic, and the evening will be filled with warmth, fun, holiness, and communal spirit!

The early-bird cost is $50 per person for adults and $30 for children if you pay before March 24th.

RSVPs received after March 24th: Adults $60 / Children 5–12 $30

Bring your own kosher-for-Passover wine or order from

It has always been important to the leadership at Ohev Shalom that no one be prevented from participating in our programs due to financial constraints.  That being said, the caterer’s prices have increased significantly in the past year and the funds that have been used in the past to offset the costs of the seder will not be sufficient this year.  This year we are going to ask you to pay what you can afford to pay towards the cost of the dinner.  The actual cost is $50 per person for adults and $30 for children if you pay before March 24th.  If you can afford to pay that, please do.  If that would prevent you from attending the seder, please pay whatever you can with $36 being a minimum for adults and $20 for children.  If $36 would still prevent you from attending, please select that option on the form or  contact Rabbi Miller or Missy. All requests for assistance will be kept confidential as will all the payments for the dinner.

NOTE:  Reservations submitted after March 24th will be charged $60 for adults and $36 per child between ages 5 and up and 12 and under.

Zoom will be available for people to join us at home.

Please fill out the form below or download a copy of the form to print and mail to :
Ohev Shalom; 2 Chester Road; Wallingford, PA  19086

Fill out our online form

Download the Second Seder RSVP Form Here