
Weekday Minyan/Shacharit

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM

Sunday and American Holidays 9:00 AM


When Jewish holidays fall on weekdays, we hold services at 8:00 AM (the usual morning minyan time) to allow even those who have commitments later in the day to participate. 

Shabbat Services

Friday 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM

Service times on Friday evening may vary if there is a dinner or program. Please view the upcoming events on our home page or our online calendar.

If you are a non-member and interested in attending services for the first time, please reach out to us ahead of time so we can let security know that you are coming.  You can email us at or call us at (610) 874-1465.  If we have special programing, you can register a head of time on our website, or by phone or email.